Bookoid helps you select from a vast collection of books and easily manage your personal books library. Easily find the the book you want and also explore from a range of book listings. Build your library as you discover great books on the app.
- Search among thousands of books, from bestsellers to classics from authors around the globe
- Explore new books from your favorite categories
- Check description and information of books and also download covers if you like them
- Read entire books when available in public domain
- Search using only emojis
- Preview chapters from books to help find your next great read
- Scan barcode on books to get all the detailed information about it
- Download public domain books for reading offline
- Manage your personal library
- Check book ratings
- Search for your favorite authors and get all of their books
- Sync your library across all your devices so you can access your books everywhere
- Search books in Spanish, German, French and Dutch too (More languages coming soon!)
- Clean and smooth user interface
- App shortcuts (Android 7.1+)